"At 4:45am we were awoken by knocking on our door... Dog City was engulfed in flames, all we could see was the glowing red where the roof once was. 911 was immediately called but unfortunately by the time the fire department arrived on scene the building was already gone. All the fire department could do at this point was stop the fire from spreading to our home.
Unfortunately the dogs in the building did not survive, by the time we knew the building was on fire it was already too late. Our hub to the security system was in the building we're not sure if it was too close to the starting point of the fire but it never alerted us to an issue. They believe the source of the fire was the window air conditioner. This morning has been a whirlwind of emotions, while we know we could have never known this would have happened we can't help but feel the heaviness and sorrow that this tragic situation carries due to lives being lost.
The fire was a complete and total loss, we lost everything. We have no crates, no kennels, our outdoor dog area now needs major repairs, even the dog houses burned. All of our dog food is burned, our medications, vaccines basically everything we needed was in the building and now it's all gone.
I'm not sure what the future of JAR will look like as it's going to take us time to rebuild. We currently still have 45 dogs in foster who need us and a lot of dogs waiting for their chance at freedom." - JUSTICE ANIMAL RESCUE
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